1-Minute Marriage Boosters

Val Baldwin, CPC
Live Your Ultimate Life

Studies prove it’s not grand romantic gestures that cement a couple but small acts of kindness that makes the biggest impact. Consider these love boosters daily vitamins for a healthy relationship.

Here are 15 quick and easy 1-minute ideas to show your partner you love them. It’s amazing what they can do to keep your marriage happy and the romance remarkable. Try a different one every day for a week or two and see how you connect…in more ways than one!

Have something nice to say? Say it out loud. If you can’t think of anything…. well, think harder and tell them.

Take a bit more time to kiss hello and goodbye. Studies confirm that the first 3 minutes you spend together at the end of the workday sets the tone for the entire evening. And when you leave in the morning give more than a peck. Wrap you arms around them and count to 10.

Bring them their morning juice, hot chocolate or coffee in bed.

While they are in the shower, pop the towel into the dryer so that it’s toasty-warm and fluffy when they get out.

Take their face in your hands, then lightly stroke their forehead, eyelids, cheeks, lips and jaw line.

6.Post it
A bathroom mirror and a steering wheel are prime places to leave a surprise I love you note.

7.Make music
Put their favorite song on the CD player; dance with the lights on and your clothes off.

In front of your spouse’s family or friends, mention something terrific they did recently. Then turn toward them and beam.

Voice mail, e-mail and faxes with can’t wait to see you tonight messages.

10.Play footsie
At dinner, under the table, slip off your shoe, and let your toes do the talking. Great at restaurants.

Vow to let pass the next thing they say or do that annoys you.

Leave some change in their car for parking or ice cream or a drink.

13. Laugh
At their lame jokes. At their funny stories. Out loud.

14. Light up
Eat dinner by candlelight, make love by candlelight, bathe together or watch a video by candlelight.

15. Clip
Come across a magazine article they would like? Notice a sporting-event, concert or show announcement? Get the scissors ready.

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